Research fields

Neurobiology of alcoholism

Chronic alcohol consumption produces adaptive changes at the level of different neurotransmitters and brain circuits, which can lead to behavioural and psychological alterations. At the IEA-CEU we use animal models of alcohol consumption and addiction to study in depth the brain mechanisms involved.

. As the developing brain is even more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol, we also carry out specific studies to understand the long-term consequences of alcohol abuse in adolescence. Furthermore, in order to shed light on possible differences in alcohol use disorders between males and females, we study alcohol-induced behavioural, structural and functional brain changes in both sexes.

Preclinical drug development for alcoholism treatment

The treatment of alcohol use disorders is based on a combination of behavioural therapy and pharmacological treatment. Medications currently in use may help some patients to reduce alcohol consumption or improve withdrawal symptoms. However, not all patients adequately respond to these drugs. At the IEA-CEU we are working to find new therapeutic targets involved in alcoholism.

Using rational drug design based on computational models, we conduct alternative trials to assess the efficacy, toxicity and pharmacokinetics of different molecules. The most promising compounds in these assays are tested in animal models of alcohol consumption and addiction as potential candidates for the development of drugs for the treatment of alcoholism.

Alcohol and other drug induced neurotoxicity: Contribution of the immune response

Drugs of abuse cause neurotoxicity, affecting different brain pathways and neurotransmitter systems. Given the link between drug-induced neurotoxicity and the development of neurodegenerative diseases, an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms that trigger neurotoxicity may further contribute to the search for therapeutic strategies for both prevention and treatment of these central disorders. One of the brain processes closely related to neurotoxicity is neuroinflammation.

Researchers at the IEA-CEU are working on the identification and characterisation of new key factors in the modulation of neuroinflammatory processes, which is considered fundamental for the development of new drugs designed to prevent the neurotoxic effects of drugs.

Biological markers of addiction vulnerability

The risk of addiction and the severity of addiction once it is established are highly heterogeneous in the population. This differential vulnerability is largely determined by biological factors, which is why the availability of associated biomarkers can be very useful to support and personalize the prevention and treatment of addictions.

Accordingly, we apply different technologies to the identification of new biomarkers as well as to validate those candidates previously identified in human clinical practice and/ or also in experimental laboratory models.

Addictive properties of food

Many authors have shown that certain components of the diet may have intrinsic addictive properties, or may modulate the abuse potential of other substances. Consequently, research into the biological mechanisms involved may be of interest for the understanding and treatment of addiction.

One of the specific interests of IEA-CEU researchers in this field is related to the effects of fructose intake, as it seems to provoke sugar aversion and reduce alcohol consumption through an increase in plasma levels of FGF21. Moreover, this increase is particularly marked in the offspring of mothers who consume fructose during gestation, which could have an impact on the addiction vulnerability of the former.

The IEA-CEU is also studying the effects of fatty diets on the brain's reinforcement and reward system in animal models.

Use/abuse of new technologies. Prevention and treatment from an integral perspective

This area of work focuses on the detection of possible conflicts arising from the use of new technologies both at home and at school. Among other parameters, the aim is to find out whether there is a perception of risk in the use-abuse of new technologies, as well as the skills applied in the face of conflicts.

With this, we seek to detect the training needs of parents and educators in order to formalise these resources and provide a service to society to alleviate these situations of conflict and promote the proper use of new technologies. Our approach will be comprehensive, including not only the psychological vision but also the Christian humanist, anthropological and medical ones.

Values and strengths and their relationship with the use/abuse of social networks

This project aims to deepen our knowledge of how the use of social networks affects the organisation of our values, principles, priorities and quality of life, including a study of the addictive potential of their abuse. Consequently, proposals for intervention at three levels are envisaged. From the primary level, through the development of prevention plans and the provision of useful psychoeducation on the potential risks inherent in the use of social networks.

From the secondary level, with the detection of symptoms and signs of lack of regulation of consumption and warning signs that may be useful for both the user and those close to them (teachers, friends, family) to consider the option of seeking help. And, finally, from the third level, making available the different treatment, support and help channels once consumption has already wreaked havoc in the user's life situation.

Interdisciplinary research into addictions

The problem of addictions is multidimensional (biological, psychological, social, anthropological, etc.). For this reason, its therapeutic approach has been multidisciplinary and addiction research should also be multidisciplinary, so that researchers can share their results and find correlations to clarify the causes and develop better models of understanding and treatment. In this respect, we particularly value the knowledge that the human sciences can bring by analysing addictions from a person perspective.

Anthropology and the philosophy of addictions, for example, can be a unifying nexus of a necessarily interdisciplinary research approach: we thus develop a perspectivist methodology suitable for issues that involve great complexity. This research also seeks to work on the humanisation of the treatment of addictions, whether they are substance or non-substance addictions.

Addiction prevention and intervention programmes in the school environment

Addiction prevention and intervention programmes in the school environment It is increasingly frequent and at younger ages (around 12 or 13 years old), when the first experimentations with easily accessible drugs take place among our adolescents. So much so that today's society must develop and offer effective intervention responses to our young people. The most appropriate response is undoubtedly prevention.

At the IAE we understand that prevention means educating, guiding, facilitating and promoting the integral development of the person, encouraging the discovery, acquisition and development of skills to detect, confront and resolve situations that put their health at risk. In this sense, the prevention of the consumption of addictive substances is the set of actions aimed at modifying and, where appropriate, eliminating risk factors and promoting protective factors, not only for drug consumption, but also for other addictive behaviours.

Undoubtedly, the modelling of consumption behaviour by the family and information and training in the educational sphere are pillars of significant relevance for the prevention of consumption.


Professor of Pharmacology

Luis Fernando Alguacil Merino

Luis Fernando Alguacil holds a degree in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD from the University of Alcalá. He began his career in the Research Division of Juste Laboratories (Madrid) and later in the Justesa Imagen Research Centre (Juste/Schering AG joint venture), where he served as Director of the Department of Pharmacology between 1992 and 1995. In the latter year he joined the CEU San Pablo University, where he has ruled several departments and is currently Professor of Pharmacology and Director of the Institute for Addiction Study IEA-CEU. He has also been Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Alcalá (1990-1994), Visiting Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, USA, 2002) and Coordinator of the Translational Research Unit at the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real (2009-2012). He has participated in basic and translational research projects on Neuroscience and Psychopharmacology in the academia, pharmaceutical industry, and healthcare institutions, most of them focused on pain and addiction. He was awarded the Ángel Herrera Prize for the best research work in Experimental Sciences in 2008.

Profesor Titular de Filosofía

Antonio Piñas Mesa

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2001). Doctor por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia en 2007. Licenciado en Estudios Eclesiásticos por la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas en 2009. En 2001, profesor asociado de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU (USP-CEU). Profesor invitado en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador) impartiendo docencia en el Máster de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Es profesor del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de la USP-CEU. Desde 2021, profesor titular de Filosofía. Acreditación por parte de la ACAP. Reconocimiento de un sexenio de investigación (CNEAI): 2012-2019. Investigador Principal (IP) en el proyecto "Educación médica: La adquisición de competencias éticas y humanísticas en el alumnado de Medicina CEU en el nuevo escenario digital".

Galardonado en la primera edición de los premios E-innova Health 2021 de Diario Médico y Correo Farmacéutico en la categoría de Transformación Digital. Miembro del grupo de expertos organizado por el Foro de la Profesión Médica (FPME) para la promoción de la relación médico-paciente como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad (2017- ) Miembro del Grupo de investigación de la Universidad San Pablo-CEU “Envejecimiento”. Autor de artículos científicos, libros y capítulos de libro (humanización de la salud, antropología médica, educación y valores).

En relación con la temática de las adicciones ha coeditado el libro Las adicciones de ayer y hoy (Dykinson, 2020) y es autor del capítulo El proceso de cambio en las conductas adictivas: Narratividad y adicciones. Director de dos Tesis Doctorales, 5 TFG, y más 30 TFM. Desde 2020, Secretario del Instituto de Estudios de las Adicciones IEA-CEU y del Consejo Asesor del mismo. 

Senior lecturer

Esther Gramage Caro

Esther Gramage is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy at San Pablo CEU University. She obtained her Ph.D. from the Pharmacology Laboratory of San Pablo CEU University. She did a research placement at the University of Roehampton (London, UK), and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Her scientific career focuses on the study of the cytokines Pleiotrophin (PTN) and Midkine (MK) in different pathologies of the Nervous System with a common neuroinflammatory component, with the long-term goal of being able to intervene pharmacologically in the PTN signaling pathway and MK for the treatment of these diseases. She has published more than 30 articles in scientific journals, has co-supervised a doctoral thesis and has recognized two six-year research periods. She received the Alcalíber Award from the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy for the best work on "Analgesia and opiates" and the Extraordinary Award for the best Doctoral Thesis from the Faculty of Pharmacy of San Pablo CEU University.

Professor of Toxicology

Carmen González Martín

Carmen González Martín has a degree and a PhD in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Law Degree from UNED. She has been a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cantabria (1981-89); She was an associate doctor at the Cajal Neurobiology Institute (CSIC) (1989-1991) and head of the Department of Toxicology at Juste-Schering Pharmaceutical Laboratories (1991-2003). Since 1995 she is included, by curriculum, in the European Register of Toxicologists.

In 2003 she entered the San Pablo CEU University, currently being a professor and head of the toxicology area and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. During this time, she has carried out two research stays, as Visiting Professor at the Free University of Brussels and as Senior Researcher of the Translational Research Unit of the Hospital General Universitario Ciudad Real. Her lines of research have focused on the neurotoxicity of antitumor drugs, preclinical research on contrast media for radiodiagnosis, and the neurobiology of pain. Currently, the projects in which she participates are based on the search for biomarkers of addictive vulnerability in smoking, alcoholism, cocaine use and eating disorders, collaborating with both university and hospital groups, using in vivo and in vitro methods. She is the Ángel Herrera Award for the best research work of a group of professors at USP-CEU (2006-2007) and for her scientific work she has obtained 4 six-year research periods (CNEAI). Since 2012, she has been a member of the USP-CEU Research Ethics Committee, currently chairing its permanent committee.

Principal Investigator / Dean, School of Pharmacy / Professor in Pharmacology

Gonzalo Herradón Gil-Gallardo

Gonzalo Herradón is a Full Professor in Pharmacology and head of the Neuropharmacology of addictions and degenerative disorders group (NEUROFAN) at University CEU San Pablo. His investigations has led to the production of 70+ articles and 1823 citations, which results in h index = 27 (Google Scholar). Dr. Herradón has worked both in academia and in industry with international experience. He obtained his PhD in Pharmacology in 2003 at University CEU San Pablo. He was a Research Investigator in the department of Neurobiology at Millennium Pharmaceuticals (Cambridge, MA, USA, 1 year), where he worked in the discovery of new targets for neuropathic pain using different rat strains with different sensitivities to neuropathic pain and applying OMICs. The targets uncovered were published in 3 peer-reviewed publications. Then, he moved to the Molecular and Experimental Medicine department at The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA) for a 3-year postdoctoral training. His hosting group, led by Dr. Thomas Deuel, trained him in a wide variety of molecular biology techniques that served GH to elucidate different signalling pathways triggered by pleiotrophin (PTN), discoveries that were published in 10 manuscripts in journals like PNAS and BBRC.

He is currently the head of the area of Pharmacology and PI of NEUROFAN, a highly competitive group that is interconnected to national research entities, as it belongs to the Spanish Research Network in Addictions Care (RIAPAd), awarded in the last call (2021) of Cooperative Research Networks Oriented to Results in Health (RICORS), of the Carlos III Health Institute and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. GH has been PI of 7 competitive projects funded by the Spanish

Professor in Pharmacology

Carmen Pérez García

Carmen Perez-Garcia received a Pharmacy degree from the Complutense University of Madrid (1994). In 1995, she obtained a COMETT grant from the EU for a traineeship stay at Sandoz Laboratories in Basel (Switzerland). In 1996, she awarded a Research and Teaching scholarship from San Pablo CEU University (Madrid) and she joined the department of Pharmacology where she obtained her PhD in 1999. Currently she is senior lecturer of Pharmacology at San Pablo CEU University. Since 2013, she is also Vice-Dean for Teaching, Students and Internationalization at the School of Pharmacy at San Pablo CEU University. Her research career began in 1995 in the group of Prof. Luis Fernando Alguacil and was focused on the study of the effects mediated by the histamine H3 receptors in the Central Nervous System; she described for the first time the role of these receptors in anxiety, depression, and drug addiction. Later she also contributed to describe the role of alpha-2 receptors in the effects produced by opioids. In 2003, and after a stay at the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of the Department of Neurology at the University of Tennessee, she introduced Proteomics techniques to her line of research as a mean to discover new biomarkers of drug addiction vulnerability. In 2009, she started a collaboration with Dr. Gonzalo Herradón to use Proteomics for the study of the role of the cytokines pleiotrophin and midkine in the central nervous system, especially in relation to the neurotoxicity produced by drugs of abuse.

She has co-directed 12 editions of the postgraduate course “Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse”, accredited by the Commission for Continuing Education of the Health Professions of the Community of Madrid-National Health System. She has also organized workshops on drug addiction in the last 10 editions of the “Science and Innovation Week” of the Community of Madrid.

Senior lecturer

Maria José Polanco Mora

María José Polanco, PhD in Pharmacology (USP-CEU, 2011). During her doctorate, she studied the interaction between δ-opioid and α2B-adrenergic receptors in the central nervous system, by analyzing the effects of morphine and yohimbine on neuronal cells.

She did two post-doctoral placements from 2011-2013 at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa, Italy and from 2013-2017 at the Center for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) in Trento, Italy. In the neuromuscular diseases laboratory, she specialized in the study of the pathogenic mechanisms that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Kennedy's disease (ABMA).

Lecturer in Pharmacology

Marta Vicente Rodríguez

Marta Vicente Rodríguez completed her PhD in Pharmacology with international mention from San Pablo CEU University in 2017. During her PhD studies she extensively characterized Pleiotrophin (PTN) and Midkine (MK) in the context of amphetamine and alcohol drug addiction and its contribution on the neuroinflammatory processes involved in these disorders. During her doctoral studies, she carried out two international placements, in the laboratory of Dr. Alexis Bailey at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, in 2015 and in the laboratory of Dr. Amy W. Lasek at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2016. In 2017, she joined the department of Neuroimaging at King’s College London (London, United Kingdom) and significantly contributed as a postdoctoral researcher to the molecular and cellular characterization of the 18kDa Translocator protein receptor (TSPO), one of the only radioligands most widely used in positron emission tomography (PET) to detect neuroinflammation in humans. During her postdoctoral research period she participated in two international projects, both funded by GlaxoSmithKline and the first one framed in the international NIMA Consortium (Wellcome Trust Consortium for the Neuroimmunology of Mood Disorders and Alzheimer's Disease). She has participated in 4 competitive projects funded by public administrations and published 25 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals with an h-index of 10.

Associate Professor of Theory and Philosophy of Law Researcher

Carmen Sánchez Maíllo

Researcher ID / ORCID:  0000-0002-2372-3805

Degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense. PhD in Law from the Universidad San Pablo CEU. Master's Degree in Philosophy from the Francisco de Vitoria University.

Master's degree in Family Pastoral Care from the John Paul II Institute.  Lecturer in Theory and Philosophy of Law at the CEU-San Pablo University. Academic Secretary of the CEU Institute of Family Studies. Director of the Equality Unit of the USP-CEU. She has directed an interdisciplinary research project entitled: "Gender Ideology: A critical and multidisciplinary look", in which twenty professors from various faculties of the San Pablo CEU University collaborated, for which she received an Ángel Herrera research award for the best research work.

She has participated and continues to participate in several research projects on family and education. Her lines of research and work have dealt with: just titles, natural law, law, the concept of nature, the "Ideology of gender", new rights, marriage, maternity, paternity, sexual alterity and family. She is part of the University's consolidated research group on family issues called INVESFAM.

Prof Adjunta Psicología Social Researcher

Cristina Noriega García

Researcher ID / ORCID:  0000-0003-2541-697X

Cristina Noriega holds a degree in Psychology with a degree in Family Therapy from the University CEU San Pablo. PhD in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid with Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Postgraduate in Neuroscience at the Complutense University of Madrid and in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Psychopathology at the Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (SEPYPNA). She has been teaching since 2012 as an assistant professor in the area of Social Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the CEU San Pablo University. She is qualified by the ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation) as a contracted lecturer, assistant lecturer and private university lecturer. In addition, she works as a family therapist at the CEU Institute of Family Studies at the same university and is a member of the University's Ethics Committee. Her research work focuses on the study of personal values, psychological strengths and intergenerational relationships, achieving a six-year research period. She has completed a post-doctoral stay at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio). She has participated in several competitive and pre-competitive projects and has several university-industry contracts. She is also an assistant professor of the Instituto de Estudio de las Adicciones (IEA-CEU), being currently one of the PIs of the project "Relationship of social network use with personal values, psychological strengths and psychological well-being in Spanish adolescents, young adults and adults". Author of several articles, book chapters and books. She has written several articles and collaborated in the media. Reviewer of articles in various scientific journals with JCR impact.

Associate Professor of the Degree in Optics and Optometry Researcher

David Baeza Moyano

Researcher ID / ORCID:  4924-2016 / 0000-0001-8395-9994

David Baeza Moyano has a degree in Pharmacy and a Diploma in Optics from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD from the CEU San Pablo University. He is an Orthopaedic Technician. He began his professional activity in 1992 in the field of industrial eye safety and the manufacture and sale of optical products. In 1998 he joined the CEU San Pablo University where he teaches Radiometry, Photometry and Optical Instruments. Technical director and founding partner of FUTTEC SL (2004-2021), a testing laboratory accredited by ENAC for EN17025 for measuring artificial ultraviolet radiation (EN60335-2-27). In 2018 he joined ISEP CEU where he teaches Acoustics and Orthopaedics. He has collaborated with the Regional Ministries of Consumer Affairs, Health and Industry for the development of regional regulations for consumer protection. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN) in the consumer section (2017-2020). Representative of the CEI (Spanish Lighting Committee) in Division 6, "Photobiology and Photochemistry" of the CIE (International Committee on Illumination). Award in the Devices category with the project Biosanitary LED Lamps at the GO HEALTH AWARDS 2019. Member of the ARIE research group (EC01/0720). CEU San Pablo University. Angel Herrera 2021 Award for the best research project for the work "Development of the utility model of integrative light emitting LED luminaires for the harmony and well-being of people". Dr. David Baeza Moyano's main scientific contributions are mainly in the area of Photobiology, especially in relation to the non-visual effects of light absorption through our eyes.

Associate Professor of Psychology

Fernando Miralles Muñoz

Researcher ID / ORCID: 0000-0003-3382-5343

Fernando Miralles Muñoz holds a degree in Psychology and a Diploma in Teaching from the Complutense University of Madrid. He holds a PhD in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. He combines his work as a teacher in the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy since 2004, with his research work in his line of research on anxiety, depression and suicide. He is a member of the Global Clinical Practice Network of the World Health Organization. He coordinates the research commission on anxiety and stress in the educational field of the scientific society called SEAS (Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress). He is accredited by the quality, accreditation and prospective agency of the universities of Madrid (ACAP) and has been a clinical psychologist for more than 25 years.

Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

Gabriel Dávalos Picazo

Researcher ID / ORCID: 0000-0002-3361-2383

Gabriel Dávalos Picazo holds a PhD in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, an Expert in Mediation, a Master in Education, a Master in Family and Couple Therapy, a Master in Family Guidance, a Bachelor in Psychology and a Bachelor in Philosophy. He is a General Health Psychologist and is accredited as an Educational Psychologist. He has been coordinator of the Family Guidance Unit of the Community of Madrid and coordinator of the Family Care Centre of the Padre Piquer School.

Associate Professor of Psychobiology

M. Isabel Carretero Abellán

Researcher ID / ORCID: 0000-0003-1888-250X

M. Isabel Carretero holds a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD from the UNED. For 13 years she lived in the USA where she did postgraduate studies and research in psychobiology at the University of Texas at Austin, Clark University in Massachusetts (Clark's doctoral scholarship) and Rutgers University in New Jersey (Rutgers' doctoral assistanship). During her stay at UT Austin she also obtained a specialist degree in Clinical Neuropsychology. In the USA she combined academic and professional activity, working for 8 years in the federal Head Start programme, aimed at the integration of disadvantaged children and families, and at the Alternative School in Atlanta with young delinquents or those at risk of social exclusion. After her return to Spain, she worked as a tutor at the UNED and then as a assistant professor at the Psychology Department of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, and in 2010 she joined the Universidad CEU San Pablo. In Spain she has participated in competitive research projects, with Dr. Carretero's main scientific contributions being in areas related to health. She has carried out sporadic work as a psychologist at the university clinic of the URJC and at the CEU- San Pablo University.

Professor of Social Doctrine of the Church

Juan Ignacio Grande Aranda

Juan Ignacio Grande holds a degree and PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. He began his professional activity at the Family Institute of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid with research work on the protection of minors and youth. He joined the CEU San Pablo University in 2005, where he has been Vice-Secretary of the CEU Institute of Humanities and currently holds the position of General Secretary and is responsible for the subject of Social Doctrine of the Church. He has participated in competitive projects in the field of educational systems. Dr. Grande's main scientific contributions are in the areas of Moral Philosophy and Law, especially in relation to the family, childhood and youth.

Adjunct Professor of PETRA and Director of the master’s degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology

Ana Jiménez Perianes

Degree in Psychology from the CEU San Pablo University and Doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine of the CEU San Pablo University. Qualified General Health Psychologist by the Department of Health of the Community of Madrid. She is an expert in psychosomatic medicine and child and adolescent psychology and intellectually gifted children. She has been practising in the clinical field of child and adolescent psychology for 15 years. She is an international member of the American Psychological Association (APA-USA) and the Global Clinical Practice Network of the World Health Organization (WHO) (GPC.NETWORK). Professor of the Degree in Psychology and the Official University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at the CEU San Pablo University and coordinator of students on this Master's Degree. She has won several awards for educational innovation and best teaching work. On the other hand, she has extensive master's degree training in the field of legal and forensic psychology. She is a member of the Criminal Profiling and Behavioral Analysis International Group as a criminal profiler and non-verbal behaviour analyst. Director of the Behaviour and Law Journal and director of the Master's Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology at the CEU San Pablo University.

Assistant Professor

Cándida Filgueira Arias

Researcher ID / ORCID: 0000-0001-7832-8960

Cándida Filgueira Arias, PhD in Neurosciences, assistant professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences, is director of the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary School and Baccalaureate, and lecturer and head of the Speciality of Educational Guidance. She has more than twenty years of experience in University Libraries, teaching courses on information competences and related subjects in the fields of didactics and education, advising in Parents' School, etc. She has directed several Master's and Bachelor's degree final projects. She has been a doctoral collaborating lecturer in Early Childhood Education Degrees in the fields of teaching methodology, information skills, systematic observation, research and innovation and ICT. She has participated in the Teaching Innovation Project Research Group: Convocatoria de premios a la innovación docente Aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por ordenador a través de las Webquest. Project of the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences for Digital Communication and Web 3.0. and Evaluation of Information Competence. BBVA Foundation Aid for Research Projects. Humanities Area: Humanistic Navigator 3.0.

Development of a motivating methodological tutor for learning in the Humanities Research project entitled Quality of life in older university students. Member of the international pedagogical advisory committee at Common Ground Publishing. Member of the team of the research project "Fostering resilience in primary education: innovation and continuous teacher training" (PID2019-111032RB-I00) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in the period 1 June 2020 to 30 May 2023.

Assistant Professor

Mª Esther Rincón Fernández

Mª Esther Rincón Fernández holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the same University. She holds a Master's degree in Psycho-oncology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has carried out clinical and research stays in six medical services of five hospitals located in Spain and the USA, with more than 15 years of national and international experience in Digital Health. She has participated in numerous research projects focused on the application of digital technology to the health field, with relevant publications at national and international level.

Currently, he leads the ¨Master in Innovation and Digital Health¨ at CEU San Pablo University, where he teaches numerous undergraduate and postgraduate courses focused on the application of new technologies to psychology. In October 2021 he received the E-nnova Health 2021 Award, in the Digital Transformation category, awarded by Diario Médico and Correo Farmacéutico. She has also received numerous awards for teaching quality from the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy at CEU San Pablo University.

Dr. Rincón's main lines of research focus on the study of the advantages that the application of new technologies could have in the educational and health environment; as well as the determination of the harmful consequences that the inappropriate use of these technologies could generate in the population.

Professor of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment

Gema Pérez Rojo

Researcher ID / ORCID: A-7126-2015 / 0000-0002-1690-1351

PhD in Psychology from the UAM and extraordinary doctoral award. Professor of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment. Author of scientific articles in national (Medicina Clínica) and international journals (e.g. International Psychogeriatrics, Psychiatry Research, Aging & Mental Health or Research on Aging), books and book chapters which have earned her two six-year research periods. Expert in the field of gerontology in working with older people, formal and informal carers.

PI of projects related to the good treatment of older people and strengths in the face of adversity and member of the research team in national and international projects. Member of the Institute of Addiction Studies where she has started a research line related to the use and abuse of social networks. She has extensive experience in the field of older people, developing teaching materials, training professionals working with older people and developing and implementing intervention programmes for informal carers of dependent older people.

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Carlos Bocos de Prada

Researcher ID / ORCID: B-8460-2015 / 0000-0003-0364-5958

Graduate in Biological Sciences in 1985 and undergraduate degree in the same degree (1987) from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. PhD from the University of Alcalá (Madrid) in 1993. Postdoctoral stay (1994-1996) at the Centre for Biotechnology and the Department of Medical Nutrition at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden).

In 1996, assistant lecturer at the San Pablo-CEU University (USP-CEU) in Madrid. In 1999, short stay at the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology (CIIT, USA) with Dr. J.C. Corton and, subsequently, at the RTH Laennec Faculty of Medicine in Lyon (France) with Dr. H. Vidal. Accreditation as Associate Professor at Public Universities and as Professor at Private Universities by ANECA in 2005. Since 2013, Full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, after receiving accreditation to join the Corps of Full Professor of University by ANECA. Recognition of four six-year research periods (CNEAI): 1992-1998, 1999-2005, 2006-2012, 2013-2018. Principal Investigator (PI) in 2 RETOS projects, 4 FIS projects and 1 DGES project, as well as collaborations in various European Union projects. He is PI of the recognised research group "Nutrigenomics and fetal programming". In 2016, this research group was awarded the Spanish Arteriosclerosis Foundation (FEA/SEA) Grant for Research in Nutrition "Manuel de Oya". Since July 2020, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Author of more than 50 scientific articles, reviews and book chapters.

Director of eight Doctoral Theses, seven DEA, one TFM, one postdoctoral stay and more than 50 Final Degree Projects. Since 2010, Secretary of the Biosafety and Environmental Safety Subcommittee and Member of the Standing Committee, both of the USP-CEU Research Ethics Committee.

Associate Professor of Basic Psychology

Pedro Luis Nieto del Rincón

Researcher ID / ORCID: L-4547-2017 / 0000-0003-4081-006X

Pedro Luis Nieto del Rincón, Associate Professor of Basic Psychology and Director of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy at the University CEU San Pablo. Diploma in Speech Therapy with 24 years of experience in the treatment of autism. Doctor in Psychology by the University CEU San Pablo. Lecturer and coordinator of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at the CEU San Pablo University. Lecturer on the Master's Degree in "Conscious Sedation in the Dental Clinic" at the School of Stomatology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University. He has participated and participates in several funded research projects. Author of articles, books and book chapters of teaching material. Director of one doctoral thesis and member of the examining board of another. Member of the organising committee of several congresses.

Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Isabel Adoración Martín Antoniano

Researcher ID / ORCID: 0000-0001-9382-9253

Isabel has a degree in Pharmacy (2002), Specialist in Pharmaceutical Care and Health Care Pharmacy (2003) and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2017). She completed her PhD with European mention in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Complutense University of Madrid (2012) obtaining the highest qualification (outstanding cum laude).

Since 2007 she has been teaching in several courses in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine at the San Pablo CEU University, as well as in the Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Care (since 2003) and the Master's Degree in Orofacial Pain and Cranio Mandibular Dysfunction (2014). Since 2016 she is a visiting researcher at the CNIO giving bioinformatics support in the molecular genetic epidemiology laboratory in several projects in the area of cancer, microbiota and allergy which was recognised as a group of research excellence in 2020 by the San Pablo CEU University. She also participated in field work in the faculty in the field of drug dependence with the development of a project on smoking cessation in adolescents. In 2020 she became a member of the Institute of Addiction Studies at the San Pablo CEU University.

Professor Doctor of Medicine at the CEU San Pablo University

Mario Martínez Ruiz

Degree in Medicine with Extraordinary Prize qualification from the Complutense University (UCM). Doctor of Medicine with Extraordinary Prize qualification from the UCM. Doctor of the Military Health Corps of the Spanish Air Force. Specialist in Internal Medicine. Expert and Master's Degree in Drug Addiction from the UCM. Master's Degree in Senior Management of Health Services and Business Management from the University of Alcalá (UAH). Full Member of the Spanish Medical-Surgical Academy. Founder of the Anti-Drug Plan of the Spanish Air Force (PADEA) and the General Plan for Drug Prevention of the Ministry of Defence (PGPD-MINISDEF). Advisor to the CAM Anti-Drug Agency. Head of the Internal Medicine Service of the Central Air Hospital (HCA). Deputy Medical Director of the Central Defence Hospital (HCD). Professor of Drug Addiction at the University School of Nursing (EUE) of the USP-CEU. Associate Professor of Medicine at the UCM, CEU and UAH. Coordinator of International Relations CEU Medicine. ACAP accreditation as Assistant Professor, Collaborating Professor, Hired Professor Doctor and Professor Doctor of Private University. Honorary Professor of Medicine UCM. Honorary Professor of the Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN). Coordinator of the Chair Admiral Don Juan de Borbón CESEDEN-UCM. Professor of the PhD courses in Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse, Pharmaceutical Care and Emergencies and Emergencies at the USP-CEU. Professor of Drug Dependency (DD) at the Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD). Author and co-author of numerous articles, books and book chapters on DD. Member of the editorial board of scientific-medical journals and director and editor of the journal Medicina Aeroespacial y Ambiental.